RyanTailor`s #528 - The last cigarette
02:29Head: Catwa Mesh Head Bento Daniel
Hairbase: L'Etre - Sided hairbase [Dark]
Hair: Exile:: AJ **Thank you**
Body: [Signature] Body Gianni
Shape: L'Etre - Victor shape [Catwa Daniel]
Skin: L'Etre - Victor Skin [Golden Tone]
Facialhair: [theSkinnery] Jason Facial Hair (Catwa Mesh Head Applier)
Outfit: [Gild] Disturded collar shirt with pant (necklace is the Gift) **NEW**Thx♥ @FaMesHed
Shoes: Kauna - Oxfords: Brown
Backdrop: Pseudo- Subway Entrance Scene RARE **NEW**NEW**@Sanarae Event
Pose: WRONG - Static Male Bento Poses **NEW**NEW**
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