RyanTailor`s 658 - Do more things that make you forget to check your phone


Head: Catwa - Daniel

Body: [Signature] - Gianni

Eyes: *Birth* 'Pearl' Mesh Eyes - Light Blue **NEW**Thx <3 @Shiny Shabby

Shape: *Birth* 'Carlos' **NEW**Thx <3 @MOM 

Skin: *Birth* 'Carlos' Skin Tone 04 **NEW**Thx <3 @MOM 

Ears: L'Etre - Basic Mesh Ears

Hair: *Besom x Flite ~ Jackson ((Gacha))

Jacket: A&D Clothing - Jacket -Travis- **NEW**Thx <3 @HME

Pants: FashionNatic - Rey Jeans **Thx**

Rings: [Since1975] 13.Friday Rings **NEW**Thx <3 @HME 

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