#705 End Of The Summer




Head: Lelutka Erin
Skin: E.Beauty - Louise Skin [Lelutka Evolution] (medium) thy♥
Shape: shape it! Arya Shape (Lelutka Erin) NEW thy♥
Eyes: AG. Dreamy Eyes Gacha - 08 thy♥
Lashes: . MILA . Intense Eyelashes (LeLutka Evolution) @ Level thy♥
Hair: Stealthic - Endless 

Necklace: CHAIN - Robin Necklace Set 
Ears: PUMEC - / Mesh Ears - Horizon (60L$ weekend)
Coffee with Key: hive // cold brew coffee to go @ Anthem 

Outfit: .miss chelsea. Hazel Set @ Anthem  thy♥
Sweater&Jeans: 16 colors for Sweater/8 colors tee/ 8 colors Jeans show+hide
Boots: 16 colors
Scarf: 16 colors (not shown)
Blanket: 16 colors (not Shown)
see full description here 

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